
Highway to Hell

Created by The RED JOKER

A fast and dynamic cards game for two players in a post-apocalyptic world.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 6 years ago – Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 11:25:21 AM

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Marauder (Vehicle card)  

Congratulations! You have unlocked another Stretch Goal!  

The guys in the garage are still loose at the creativity level. This chase tears everything in its path. Even the bitumen.  

You will understand quite quickly that at least one armored vehicle is needed to transport certain personalities. Unlock the next landing ... you'll understand.  

about 6 years ago – Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 09:07:42 AM

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Grapple (Modification cards)  

Congratulations! You unlocked a new Stretch Goal!  

Some interventions also ask not to use firearms systematically. So our mechanics in the garage tinkered a support on each vehicle to fix a grapple. 

With 100 meters of rope, it's still a good length to catch the fastest.  

And sometimes, there's no need to try to grab them. They come to you alone. Unlock the next stretch goal and you will understand what we are talking about.  

about 6 years ago – Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 08:13:46 AM

Pour lire cet article en français

Wesley Phoenix (Prisoner Card)

Congratulations! You have unlocked yet another Stretch Goal!  

Rebellions of all kinds make up the world in the name of liberty. How not to forget one of the most fundamental ?! And quite simply by leaving Wesley PHOENIX. 

And even if he is to be judged or imprisoned, Anarchy will remain. Always.  

And as there are many, it should still think about expanding the technical resources during interventions. What do you think of a grappling hook to try to catch them by 2 or 3 ?! It is tempting, unlock the next level.  

about 6 years ago – Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 05:24:43 AM

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Flame Thrower (Modification card)  

Congratulations! You unlocked a new Stretch Goal! 

If there is a mass weapon that works well, it is the flamethrower. There is no need to aim precisely and it works anyway. That's why we like it so much! 

 Some would even be tempted to have the same toy in their hands. I bet $ 100 that if you unlock the next stretch goal, we will learn from this prisoner that he intended to use an identical one. 

Technical Reminder
about 6 years ago – Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 05:24:32 AM

Hello everyone!

The campaign is almost finished and it will be a great success because of you all !

As lot of us asked us, we want to remind or clarify some points:

  • There was a mistake made on the all-in pledge. Of course, it is not planned to be delivered in October 2018 but in March 2019 with the other pledges.
  • Imperator and Crazy Max pledges and add on will be available during the pledge manager as late pledges or for people who wish obtain some more expansion.
    The only thing is, they will be more expensive than during the campaign.

If you have more questions don't hesitate to send us a message !



Bonjour à tous !  

La campagne est presque finie et sera un succès grâce à vous !  

Comme beaucoup nous le demandent, nous tenons à rappeler ou clarifier deux point importants:  

  • Une erreur s'est glissée dans le descriptif de l'offre Crazy Max. Cette offre ne sera bien sûr pas livrée durant le mois d'Octobre 2018 mais en Mars 2019 comme tous les autres offres.
  • Les Offres Impérator et Crazy Max seront disponibles lors du Pledge Manager ainsi que les différents add-ons pour ceux qui désireront acquérir des extensions supplémentaires où contribuer après la campagne.  

Seulement, nous tenons à vous prévenir que les prix seront légèrement supérieurs à ce qu'ils sont durant la campagne.  

Bien sûr, si vous avez d'autres questions, n'hésitez pas à nous solliciter en nous envoyant un message privé !